SSL Certificates from Sectigo
Sectigo is one of the most recognized online security brands, offering affordable and flexible solutions, covering a wide range of needs. From the highly cost-effective Sectigo Essential certificate to the fully-equipped Sectigo EV series certificate, there is a certificate to match the needs of any site requiring encryption.
Domain Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $10.000
One domain secured
Express issuance, in 5 minutes
6.90 €/year
Essential SSL
Domain Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $10.000
One domain secured
Express issuance, in 5 minutes
14.90 €/year
Comodo PositiveSSL Multi-Domain
Domain Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $10.000
Multiple domains secured
Express issuance, in 5 minutes
23.90 €/year
Business Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $50.000
One domain secured
Validation 1-3 days
29.90 €/year
InstantSSL PRO
Business Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $100.000
One domain secured
Validation 1-3 days
39.90 €/year
InstantSSL Premium
Business Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $250.000
One domain secured
Validation 1-3 days
47.49 €/year
Essential SSL Wildcard
Domain Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $10.000
One domain secured
Express issuance, in 5 minutes
81.90 €/year
Domain Validation
Encryption up to 256 bit
Warranty $250.000
Multiple domains secured
Express issuance, in 5 minutes
86.19 €/year
Green, in Visual and Virtual Identity
We impact the present with lightning-fast web solutions, but also the future through responsible actions that limit the carbon footprint on the environment where we conduct business and live harmoniously.
Powering Our Data Center with Over 40% Green Energy
A percentage we aim to double in the next 2 years through investments in photovoltaic parks and battery storage systems.

To Be Complete as a Person, You Must Plant a Tree. Buy Hosting from Maghost and Check Off the Action.
This summer, we will finalize the strategy and collaboration protocol with a significant association in this sector. Stay connected, stay green.
Trust, a valuable virtue that we honor and thank our customers for providing.